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Mind reader uses meditation to read characters, and objects thought by people.  If breasoning of 250 word breasonings for a character or object take less time for a time and person then it is likely they have thought of it.  An inter-quartile range outlier remover is required to remove interference for Mind reader to function properly.


It went offline, instead producing vague results months after working. 

Fast Mind Reader and Detailed Mind Reader Tree[]

The Fast Mind Reader Algorithm selects from a list of whole options, i.e. "apple" or "ant".  The Detailed Mind Reader (Tree) Algorithm allows selection of choice-points through options, e.g. "a", then "p" or "n", etc.  Where n = the number of options in fast mind reading and m = the number of options in detailed mind reading, m=log(n). Fast mind reader and mind reader tree have error catching code for stability.  

The full detailed mind reading tree algorithm is as follows:

1. Segment strings[]

Optionally segment strings (see mind_read_a predicate) if data is a list of equal length lists.


Chosen from the start of the lists, unique items

"abbcc", "ahhii" and "abbjj"

are chosen, then the next items in the lists are considered.  This reduces complexity instead of creating a decision tree for:


1a. Convert to strings[]

If there are any numbers as items in ["abbcc","ahhii","abbjj"], they are converted to strings.  

2. Minimise strings[]

Find the first changed, then a different band of characters.




b and h are the first changed characters.

a bbcc

a hhii

a bbjj

bbc, hhi and bbj are the last characters before the next characters stay the same.

a bbc c

a hhi i

a bbj j

The algorithms takes




If the number of characters above is greater or equal to 250, then skip over the rest of the algorithm and mind read, choosing from each whole option, rather than breaking the options into a decision tree and choosing one character at a time.


3. Convert strings to decision tree[]


4. Merge decision tree branches[]


5. Shorten decision tree branches by deleting nodes with one child[]


6. Mind read the options from the origin of the decision tree, until reaching a terminal, i.e.[]





The original string this choice corresponds to is found and the algorithm continues.

Uses in other Repositories[]

Mind reader is used in Combination Algorithm Writer (CAW ), Music Composer, Algorithm Writer with Lists and Essay Helper.

Initiation and Experience[]

Initiation of mind reader requires initiating an algorithm file's instance with dimensions and solution to binary opposition to dimensions of objects to detect.

Lucian Green, the algorithm writer stated that, "The algorithm has at times projected and identified my thought correctly but many of the figures are too similar" and "Sometimes I had the feeling of a quick representation taken from me before I could speak, people "talking for me" (in any case, a false reading) and other options appearing above mine, and sometimes breasonings I said "stickily" matching a different option from what I meant registered as the option".

LuciansHandBitMap Font[]

Green developed the LuciansHandBitMap font, "so that characters could be recognised with its character arguments, and now I have decided to use it on spiritual screens.  One should also breason out the squares and rectangles in the font to mind read characters (see "LuciansHandBitMap" in )."

Spiritual Screen Projector[]

The spiritual screen projector is a different algorithm from mind reader.  It can project 2D and 3D colour-pixellated appearances in time and space.  The appearances are faint, yet discernable.  It takes a few minutes to render an appearance, based on mind reading.