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1.     I prepared to play Father’s piano.aif file.  I did this by writing the Father A.  First, I wrote Meinong thought it was wrong (right).  Second, I liked you.  Third, I liked it.  In this way, I prepared to play Father’s piano.aif file by writing the Father A.

2.    I prepared to play Father’s pop drum kit.aif file.  I did this by observing the father counting As for the children.  First, I observe Nussbaum like it.  Second, I saw her eat scones.  Third, I loved the sweet cream.  In this way, I prepared to play Father’s pop drum kit.aif file by observing the father counting As for the children.

3.     I prepared to play Father’s strings.aif file.  I did this by observing the maestro helping with thoughts with painting.  First, I observed Onfray enjoy it.  Second, I like the tinsels.  Third, I observed two go boom together.  In this way, I prepared to play Father’s strings.aif file by observing the maestro helping with thoughts with painting.

4.    I prepared to play Father’s warm pad 1.aif file.  I did this by observing the wind blow in my sails.  First, I observed Dawkins want it to blow harder.  Second, I liked the wind licking.  Third, I liked you on the boat.  In this way, I prepared to play Father’s warm pad 1.aif file by observing the wind blow in my sails.

5.    I prepared to play Father’s warm pad 2.aif file.  I did this by observing the wind carrying the pedagogy mobile along.  First, I observe Chomsky like the boat.  Second, I liked you (Lucian).  Third, I asked how they can write As because of a system travelling along next to them.  In this way, I prepared to play Father’s warm pad 2.aif file by observing the wind carrying the pedagogy mobile along.

6.    I prepared to play I Am Not A Peach’s Pop Flute.aif file.  I did this by observing there were early settlers.  First, I knew Rorty avoided (saw) the early settlers.  Second, I saw their tents.  Third, I saw their harps.  In this way, I prepared to play I Am Not A Peach’s Pop Flute.aif file by observing there were early settlers.

7.    I prepared to play I Am Not A Peach’s Silent Pad 1.aif file.  I did this by observing the early settlers were in heaven on earth.  First, I observed Chomsky observe that there was a fire.  Second, I cooked the tofu.  Third, I ate it with onion relish.  In this way, I prepared to play I Am Not A Peach’s Silent Pad 1.aif file by observing the early settlers were in heaven on earth.

8.    I prepared to play I Am Not A Peach’s Silent Pad 2.aif file.  I did this by observing the early settlers had good health.  First, I observed Nussbaum verify the working sewage systems.  Second, I observed her verify the healthy food.  Third, I observed her verify the sterility of the medical instruments.  In this way, I prepared to play I Am Not A Peach’s Silent Pad 2.aif file by observing the early settlers had good health.

9.     I prepared to play I Am Not A Peach’s Upright Jazz Bass 1.aif file.  I did this by observing anticipation of the event.  First, I Chomsky see the crowd watch us go past on the float.  Second, I saw the big lips.  Third, I saw Nussbaum see them too.  In this way, I prepared to play I Am Not A Peach’s Upright Jazz Bass 1.aif file by observing anticipation of the event.

10.   I prepared to play I Am Not A Peach’s Upright Jazz Bass 2.aif file.  I did this by observing I lifted up.  First, I observed Meinong say the music carried us forward.  Second, I saw the singer drink throat lubricant.  Third, I listened to the viscous sound of the singer’s voice.  In this way, I prepared to play I Am Not A Peach’s Upright Jazz Bass 2.aif file by observing I lifted up.

11.    I prepared to play I Want To Be A Peach’s Clean Electric.aif file.  I did this by looking at the stainless steel sink.  First, I Onfray like the stainless steel decor.  Second, I liked the colander.  Third, I liked the sieve.  In this way, I prepared to play I Want To Be A Peach’s Clean Electric.aif file by looking at the stainless steel sink.

12.   I prepared to play I Want To Be A Peach’s Piano.aif file.  I did this by celebrating the date.  First, I observed Nussbaum observe the people celebrate Equality Day.  Second, I celebrate gays.  Third, I observed marriage.  In this way, I prepared to play I Want To Be A Peach’s Piano.aif file by celebrating the date.  First, I observed Nussbaum observe the people celebrate Equality Day.

13.    I prepared to play I Want To Be A Peach’s Pop Drum Kit.aif file.  I did this by marching forwards.  First, I observed Onfray walk forwards.  Second, I looked at him looking at their chickens.  Third, I looked at one come.  In this way, I prepared to play I Want To Be A Peach’s Pop Drum Kit.aif file by marching forwards.

14.   I prepared to play I Want To Be A Peach’s Upright Jazz Bass.aif file.  I did this by observing Ron became creative.  First, I observe Dawkins like the seen as version of theology in the text.  Second, I liked the exposition and critique idea.  Third, I elate God (the master).  In this way, I prepared to play I Want To Be A Peach’s Upright Jazz Bass.aif file by observing Ron became creative.

15.   I prepared to play I Want To Be A Peach’s Warm Pad 1.aif file.  I did this by observing I sailed on the big peach.  First, I observed Rorty note the citation of Roald Dahl “James and the Giant Peach”.  Second, I observed that a weight stopped it rolling around.  Third, I noticed its engine.  In this way, I prepared to play I Want To Be A Peach’s Warm Pad 1.aif file by observing I sailed on the big peach.

16.   I prepared to play I Want To Be A Peach’s Warm Pad 2.aif file.  I did this by observing I flew in the big peach.  First, I observed Rorty observe the drone peach.  Second, I observe the pedestrians below.  Third, I saw the sea.  In this way, I prepared to play I Want To Be A Peach’s Warm Pad 2.aif file by observing I flew in the big peach.

17.   I prepared to play Resolution’s Clean Electric.aif file.  I did this by unwrapping the Christmas present.  First, I observed Yorick touch a button to open the Christmas present.  Second, I saw the wheels.  Third, I saw the wheeled red kangaroo.  In this way, I prepared to play Resolution’s Clean Electric.aif file by unwrapping the Christmas present.

18.   I prepared to play Resolution’s Dark Pad ModW 1.aif file.  I did this by observing the Aurora Australis.  First, I observed the China man comment on it’s colours.  Second, I observe Nussbaum run on stage and say how fame emanates infinitely fascinating outlines.  Third, I wrote their size.  In this way, I prepared to play Resolution’s Dark Pad ModW 1.aif file by observing the Aurora Australis.

19.    I prepared to play Resolution’s Dark Pad ModW 2.aif file.  I did this by swimming with the transparent fish.  First, I observed Tchaikovsky like Antarctica.  Second, I wondered if they had children.  Third, I wondered if they were sacred (protected).  In this way, I prepared to play Resolution’s Dark Pad ModW 2.aif file by swimming with the transparent fish.

20.  I prepared to play Resolution’s Pop Drum Kit.aif file.  I did this by observing that I like resolution with my father, mother and the cat.  First, I imagined Nietzsche liking Peach Original Sound Track (OST).  Second, I imagined the monster eating the headache thoughts.  Third, I wrote it puts the feces from them as positive thoughts in the ground, because the headache thoughts were positive thoughts seen unclearly.  In this way, I prepared to play Resolution’s Pop Drum Kit.aif file by observing that I like resolution with my father, mother and the cat.

21.   I prepared to play Resolution’s Strings.aif file.  I did this by observing I was forthright.  First, I observed Nussbaum know the people knew the thought.  Second, I knew the next thought.  Third, I knew he knew the next thought.  In this way, I prepared to play Resolution’s Strings.aif file by observing I was forthright.

22.   I prepared to play Resolution’s Tonewheel Organ.aif file.  I did this by observing he stayed near the top.  First, I saw Onfray like the top.  Second, I (Lucian) liked the top.  Third, I stated “I” referred to myself, unless otherwise stated.  In this way, I prepared to play Resolution’s Tonewheel Organ.aif file by observing he stayed near the top.

23.   I prepared to play Resolution’s Upright Jazz Bass.aif file.  I did this by observing I played with narrow eyes.  First, I observed Dawkins ask, “Are they Chinese people?”  Second, I liked men.  Third, I noted that gay men were attractive to other people.  In this way, I prepared to play Resolution’s Upright Jazz Bass.aif file by observing I played with narrow eyes.

24.   I prepared to help the feather with health and related fields.  I did this by stating that I liked fathers.  First, I taught the father to meditation (write philosophy).  Second, I taught the father medicine.  Third, I taught the father pedagogy.  In this way, I prepared to help the feather with health and related fields by stating that I liked fathers.

25.  I prepared to serve spaghetti napoletana.  I did this by stating that the lady was friendly.  First, I cooked the pasta.  Second, I cooked the tomato sauce.  Third, I cooked the garlic.  In this way, I prepared to serve spaghetti napoletana by stating that the lady was friendly.

26.   I prepared to ask whether the lady was enjoying yoga.  I did this by stating that the lady was still supple.  First, I taught her Yoga Surya Namaskara.  Second, I taught her Yoga Asanas.  Third, I observed her practise these on a retreat.  In this way, I prepared to ask whether the lady was enjoying yoga by stating that the lady was still supple.

27.   I prepared to like the music composer and tempos 1 and 2.  I did this by stating that I liked Foucault’s Archeology of Knowledge.  First, I liked Stravinsky about it.  Second, I liked the helter.  Third, I liked the skelter.  In this way, I prepared to like the music composer and tempos 1 and 2 by stating that I liked Foucault’s Archeology of Knowledge.

28.   I prepared to imagine leaving the movie just before it ended.  I did this by stating that I experienced a cosmological paracosm.  First, I experienced the cosmological paracosm.  Second, I left it alone.  Third, I led a normal, happy life.  In this way, I prepared to imagine leaving the movie just before it ended by stating that I experienced a cosmological paracosm.

29.   I prepared to understand the lecture by converting it to speech.  I did this by writing Noam Chomsky's probable comments on the Press Release for Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.  First, I said it could be used to write scripts.  Second, I stated it could be used to write television advertisements.  Third, I explained the text in text-to-speech being explained with positive variants of words in the text in brackets.  In this way, I prepared to understand the lecture by converting it to speech by writing Noam Chomsky's probable comments on the Press Release for Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.

30.   I prepared to ask how text-to-speech conveys Computational English, which I replied to saying it conveys theatrical speech from an English narrative using a computer.  I did this by writing Richard Rorty's probable comments on Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.  First, I wrote how boring is that television advertisement one?  Second, I wrote what is that view an inside a tall room?  Third, I asked, “How will the others catch up?”  In this way, .

31.    I prepared to suggest speech could point to real objects, to which he replied, “How would it point to them?”, to which I replied, “It would point to names of stations arrived at”.  I did this by writing Richard Rorty's probable comments on the Press Release for Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.  First, I wrote he said, “It’s not very developed then, is it?” which I replied to saying, “It has different connotations from a normal piece of text.” Second, he said, “Like what?” to which I replied “One can use the auditory sense when one is unable to use the visual sense”.  Third, I wrote he agreed.  In this way, I prepared to suggest speech could point to real objects, to which he replied, “How would it point to them?”, to which I replied, “It would point to names of stations arrived at” by writing Richard Rorty's probable comments on the Press Release for Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.

32.   I prepared to prefer no war (love peace) with the renegades again.  I did this by writing Richard Dawkins' probable comments on Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.  First, I didn’t (did) think “the text in text-to-speech being explained the text in text-to-speech being explained with positive variants of words in the text in brackets” was so developed (was developed enough).  Second, I asked, “What is the point of text-to-speech, then?”  Third, I dislike (love) the way programmers think they’re having all the thoughts about text-to-speech.  In this way, I prepared to dislike war (love peace) with the renegades again by writing Richard Dawkins' probable comments on Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.

33.   I prepared to write that not having (that having) positive words in brackets causing stillbornness in babies is crap (causing babies to be healthy is true).  I did this by writing Richard Dawkins’ probable comments on the Press Release for Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.  First, I wrote, “What’s text-to-speech?”  Second, I wrote, “It’s that same old thing”.  Third, I wrote, “Who cares?”.  In this way, I prepared to write that not having (that having) positive words in brackets causing stillbornness in babies is crap (causing babies to be healthy is true) by writing Richard Dawkins’ probable comments on the Press Release for Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.

34.   I prepared to ask, “How would you write the text-to-speech algorithm?”  I did this by writing Michel Onfray’s probable comments on Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.  First, I agreed with talking about the text in itself.  Second, I asked, “Isn’t that logic?”  Third, I asked, “Isn’t the positivity idea too positive – shouldn’t we compare the negative ideas with them?”  In this way, I prepared to ask, “How would you write the text-to-speech algorithm?” by writing Michel Onfray’s probable comments on Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.

35.   I prepared to ask, “What about electronics in the same way?  By having desired results and the required electronic circuit.”  I did this by writing Michel Onfray’s probable comments on the Press Release for Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.  First, I wrote the computer programming language to write the text-to-speech algorithm by writing the commands and their computations.  Second, I wrote the text-to-speech algorithm by writing the text and the speech sounds.  Third, I inputted certain text to listen to how it was spoken.  In this way, I prepared to ask, “What about electronics in the same way?  By having desired results and the required electronic circuit.” by writing Michel Onfray’s probable comments on the Press Release for Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.

36.   I prepared to say philosophy is nothingness to point to with itself.  I did this by writing Alexius Meinong’s probable comments on Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.  First, I wrote “The positivity idea in text-to-speech seems unnecessary at first, but gives it semantic worth, so keep it”.  Second, I wrote, “On second thought, they seem like separate ideas, so leave them that way”.  Third, I thought I disliked it (text being used too much in Computer Science).  In this way, I prepared to say philosophy is nothingness to point to with itself by writing Alexius Meinong’s probable comments on Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.

37.   I prepared to be private.  I did this by writing Alexius Meinong’s probable comments on the Press Release for Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.  First, I disliked hidden science about text-to-speech, and too much seeing what one is doing too.  Second, I built a computer from scratch.  Third, I used the intranet only, not the internet.  In this way, I prepared to be private by writing Alexius Meinong’s probable comments on the Press Release for Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.

38.   I prepared to state that the Kings, include Tutankhamen may have found that inductively reasoning out the computer’s circuitry and the brain’s circuitry was interesting.  I did this by writing Martha Nussbaum’s probable comments on Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.  First, I stated, “Isn’t text-to-speech and positivity a good idea?”.  Second, I verified the idea against the positive idea.  Third, I inductively reasoned out the computer’s circuitry.  In this way, I prepared to state that the Kings, include Tutankhamen may have found that inductively reasoning out the computer’s circuitry and the brain’s circuitry was interesting by writing Martha Nussbaum’s probable comments on Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.

39.   I prepared to program and build the transparent speech robot which made me famous from being positive in the centre, to which Chomsky replied, “How can they be so famous from being positive?”.  I did this by writing Martha Nussbaum’s probable comments on the Press Release for Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.  First, I wrote there were no blocks for people who were afraid that they might be found fault with (there was a positive pathway).  Second, I learnt to think positively, instead of otherwise.  Third, I liked light imagery.  In this way, I prepared to program and build the transparent speech robot which made me famous from being positive in the centre, to which Chomsky replied, “How can they be so famous from being positive?” by writing Martha Nussbaum’s probable comments on the Press Release for Noam Chomsky’s probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.

40.  I prepared to prefer the text and the algorithm to the speech recording.  I did this by writing Richard Rorty’s probable comments on Richard Rorty's probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.  First, I asked why is it so important?, which I made the reply, “It is important to be polite by speaking rather than writing” to.  Second, Rorty agreed, “Speech is important, then”.  Third, I wrote what if there was a bug they couldn’t detect, to which I replied, “They would find all bugs in the program”.  In this way, I prepared to prefer the text and the algorithm to the speech recording by writing Richard Rorty’s probable comments on Richard Rorty's probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.

41.   I prepared to ask, “How do you program MySQL in terms of Prolog?”  I did this by writing Richard Rorty’s probable comments on the Press Release for Richard Rorty's probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.  First, I felt sorry for Prolog (with some command definitions) because they can program it too.  Second, I thought, make up your own programming language, that would be simpler.  Third, I recommended English Prolog.  In this way, I prepared to ask, “How do you program MySQL in terms of Prolog?” by writing Richard Rorty’s probable comments on the Press Release for Richard Rorty's probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.

42.   I prepared to write there should be no verification in text-to-speech.  I did this by writing Noam Chomsky's probable comments on Richard Rorty's probable comments on the line “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm” for the algorithm idea “I did this by writing the text-to-speech algorithm" in the Computational English argument in Computational English.  First, I asked what SQL has to do with text-to-speech?  Second, I disliked Prolog for text-to-speech, to which I replied that they would both work with it.  Third, I wrote it has nothing to do with the general semantics of Computational English, to which I replied the text should be verified.  In this way, .