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Text to Breasoning - Converts to a High Distinction.

Philosophy - Lucianic Philosophy Algorithms.

Algorithm-Writer-with-Lists - Generates Random Algorithms

Combination-Algorithm-Writer (CAW)

Combination Algorithm Writer with Predicates (CAWP)

Combination-Algorithm-Writer-Multiple-Predicates (CAWMP) - Writes algorithms with multiple predicates

Mind Reader - Contains Prolog programs that can be used by an individual to read their mind using meditation

Music-Composer - Music Composer can (optionally mind read to) create songs.

List Prolog Interpreter

Prolog-to-List-Prolog - Converts Prolog algorithms to List Prolog algorithms


List-Prolog-to-Prolog - Converts List Prolog code to Prolog code.

Text to Algorithm


Split-on-Phrases - Splits text files into groups of files

Program Finder - Finds recursive algorithms from the structure of data.

Cultural Translation Tool

Grammar Interpreter - Grammar Interpreter (Actually Two Uses or Instances of a Word)

Database Formula Finder

File2List2Br - Helps earn high distinctions using a series of files.

Combination Algorithm Writer (with Predicates) Stable (CAWPS) - Stable algorithm writer in earlier List Prolog.

Further Reading

See also

Computer Science (Old)
