On this page are links to Lucian's philosophical texts.
Of all the pages in this section, only a handful of the chapters have been converted into philosophical essays on the particular topic, however by "breasoning out" the breasoning list derived from each chapter, you will deserve an A grade that is a token of professionalism. Given 10 of these As you will deserve a major, and given 3 of these majors, you will deserve a degree. See advantages of degrees.
See also Understanding Philosophers' Comments on Computational English in Arguments.
Autobiography - Lucian's contemporaries.
Computational English - How English is analysed by computational algorithms, like the functioning of the robot mind.
Computer Science - Algorithms used for pedagogy, etc.
Economics - Includes Leadership philosophy.
Hermeneutics - Computational hermeneutics, or the interpretation of texts.
Humanist Pedagogy - Exposits the system used to earn high distinctions, have babies and earn jobs
Lucian Meditation - Philosophical system behind Lucian meditation.
Medicine - Necessary for the Meditation system.
Metaphysics - Exposition and syntheses of Lucian's metaphysical concepts.
Philosophy of Music - Arguments from Lucian's songs.
Plays - Lucian's plays.
Popology - Lucian examines the cultivation of people.
Notebook 25 - Popology, Theology and Societology
Other texts may be found here:
[1], Theology, Societology, Mind Reading, Time Travel
See also: Prolog Primer with family.pl Questions and Prolog Primer with family.pl for a primer on how the programming language Prolog, featured here, works.
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